South Florida Creative Photographer
Jeff Kolodny Photography

South Florida Creative Photographer

What make the best South Florida creative photographer?

When someone refers to the "Best" or "Creative" what do they really mean? The word best can refer to a photographer with the "best prices" however, the best or lowest price doesn't always mean the best quality. Does "Best" mean most creative? or Does "Best" mean reliability? I believe it means a combination of all these traits. As a South Florida photographer who shoots weddings, Food, Special Events, Corporate, Headshots and other stuff I have found that sometimes you can't be creative, you need to be dependable. Sometimes as a job you will hear me tell a staff member, "Don't be a hero." just be dependable". Other times I can't be creative, but that's not all the time. I know some very very talented and skilled photographers. They can shoot the most amazing and unique photos. That is, if they could only get to the job. I'm glad those people don't work for me. Then I know skilled photographers who can't handle their finances. They spend every penny they get. Once I was invited out for lunch with a photographer who I have known for many years. I always felt sorry for this person because they always have money problems. Mostly tax issues. While at lunch this other photographer told me it was his treat. I asked, what's the occasion? He said, I booked 3 weddings today! I've got $3000.00 in my pocket. $1000.00 for each wedding. I asked, what kind of packages? He replied, big ones with big Leather Craftsmen albums. Then I asked, how much did each couple pay? He replied, $2500.00 each. To that I said, I better pay this for this lunch. Leather Craftsman albums are expensive. They are awesome, but not cheap. Several years latter, we were out having lunch again, (Sushi) His cell phone rang, he looked at the phone and said, I won't answer this. I told him, go right ahead, If you need to take the call, it's cool. The then told me, he doesn't want to answer because it's a groom looking to the wedding album which should have been done a year ago. I figured, they waited a year to pick the pictures for the wedding album. He said, no they picked the pictures a year ago and he didn't want to pay to make their album. Oh boy, how many of these do you have? He replied, about 10. He's a great, very creative photographer. Only if his clients would get their stuff. I guess he is not "The Best".

What makes South Florida creative photographer?

A creative photographer must have the ability to imagine an image, then create the imagined image. It's one thing if a photographer can think it up, but it they can't create the image in their dreams, the creativity doesn't matter. Therefore in order to be a truly creative photographer the photographer need to have the skills available to make the finished image. I guess you could say that the photographer needs to be a photographic problem solver. Most of photography, be it, wedding photography, Fashion Photography, Special Event Photography, even Food Photography requires problem solving. In food photography, a skilled photographer needs to create what is known as appetite appeal. This is here the hunger response is triggered my how the light rolls over the food, this creates highlight and shadows or what is known is specular highlights. It's the texture combines caused by the specular highlights that created the hunger response. As a South Florida creative photographer I'm skilled at lighting food to create this special lighting situation.

Many years ago when I was a LA based photographer, I took a photo workshop by a very famous photographer named Bambi Cantrell, Bambi spent a lot time teaching us how to see the world differently and how to think creatively. At one point she broke us into groups, with models, and sent us to the least attractive parts of her studio. I got the trash dumpster in the back of the building. It was through these exercises that we learned how to think outside the box, and make great photos when the average person couldn't see the shot. Thanks Bambi.

About this creative shot.

I took this bride and groom photo when I was still living in Los Angeles. All around LA are old historic buildings. These buildings are reserved for the film industry, and they are used for productions. Most of the time these locations are roped off, actually chained off. This old gas station was across the street from the church in which the bride and groom got married. After the wedding ceremony, I asked the limo drive to pull up to the pumps and open his hood. I then asked if he had a tool kit with a wrench that we could use as a prop. The bride and groom were awesome and just went with my idea for this unique photo. The lighting was really crappy so I used my very powerful Metz 60-CT4 flash to fill in the shadows. This is an example of thinking about this shot and then creating the shot. Had I not used the flash to fill in the harsh shadows this shot would not have worked. This is one of the oldest photos on my website. The photo was taken with a Hasselblad 500CM and Ilford XP 2

I tried to look online to see if this vintage gas station sill existed but I found that it was destroyed several years ago. Bummer, I'm glad I was able to get this shot. Now that I moved to South Florida I need to keep a sharp eye out for other opportunities to be a creative photographer who lives here. If you like this photo then I would be thrilled of you spent some time checking out my other website pictures. If you need a photographer call me. I'm based in Boynton Beach and work all over the area. If you live in, or are planning a wedding or corporate event around Miami, South Beach, Coral Gables, The Florida Keys, Fort Lauderdale, or anyplace in Broward County or Palm Beach county I would love to hear from you. If you want to just talk photography I would love that as well, My number is (561) 737-5561


Location: 1955 Emerald Winds circle, Boynton Beach FL 33473.

(954) 560-1533 - South Florida Wedding & Event Photographer