Best photographer in Boca
Jeff Kolodny Photography

Best photographer in Boca

Have you been searching for the "Best photographer in Boca"? If so, I'm glad you found me!

Do you like this wedding photo? I know it's totally unique and has a strange look. As unique as it is, it's technically perfect. The blacks are black, the whites are white and not blown out. (Detail in the whites.) It's sharp as well. As a photographer, I realize that this shot may or may not be everyone cup of tea. This is what makes photography as an art special. I shot this one as part of a Jewish Orthodox wedding in Boca Raton. The couple wanted a great place to take pictures and they didn't love their Boca Raton wedding temple location. So, used a friend home.

This picture was taken using a special infrared camera. Working as a South Florida wedding photographer, one of my goals is to produce images that are both beautiful and unique. Infrared photography is one of those special alternative type of photographic processes that allows me to make images that are different. It's not for everyone, but many of my clients like it. I know this because my infrared images often get selected for use in the couples wedding albums. If they didn't like this look then they would not select it, much less use it in their wedding album. Infrared photography is difficult to do, and many South Florida photographers don't offer it. I happen to like it. With that said, I don't shoot infrared at every wedding. I always ask if a couple finds this appealing before shooting infrared. I'll talk more about infrared photography later.

By the way, sorry for any typos. I'm a photographer, and writing blog content is secondary. Besides, most people only scan the text. However, if you can get past any typos you may find some helpful info in this post on what makes me, the best photographer in Boca.

So what does make me the best photographer in Boca?

First, I have been a photographer for over 30 years. Yes, I'm not the youngest photographer in Boca Raton. Then again, how much hard-core experience could the youngest photographer actually have? Let me answer this, not too much. For me, photography started at age 13 then progressed through my high school years and then through college, where I actually received formal training in film production, video production and photography. I spent countless hours shooting, processing film, printing my images, "Yes with film."

In case you were not aware, there is no forgiveness with film photography, if you blow the exposure, you get NOTHING! Ok - maybe not nothing, maybe you will get a really crappy looking picture. As a film photographer, I learned, that, I had to get it right. This means, the correct f-stop, the correct shutter speed, great lighting and more. It's not like digital photography in which the photographer, could look at the back of the camera and then turn the knob to the left or right until the picture looks ok. Why does this matter? Let me explain, Coming from a film environment, a photographer, needs to make every shot count. This means thinking about composing images properly and thinking about the rules of photography in a big way. Take this infrared picture for example, Notice how the heads are darker against a lighter background? This is important because of the rule of contrasting densities or exposures. Sure a photographer has to right to put the subjects heads any place, if the dark head is against a dark background, it just won't appear as clearly. This is even more important in black and white imagery because you only have one tone, to separate the head from the background.

Another factor to consider is exposure, in digital photography an image that is underexposed could be made lighter, by adjusting the brightness. However, once this is done the quality of the image declines. If you are looking at a picture on your smart phone or on a website, the lower quality image will look somewhat ok. However, when you look closely or if you try to make a large printed picture it will became apparent that the image won't cut it. In my wedding photography business, we offer albums. I have found that our album clients take, their wedding albums and design very seriously. When a bride and groom order a 12 x 12 inch album a panoramic page could include a picture as large as 12x24, that's a big photo. If the picture is less than perfect any flaws will show. In addition, I have many clients that want to display big pictures in their homes. By big pictures, I mean 30 X 40 inch or larger. Only the highest quality image files will blow up to this size clearly. For a disciplined photographer, shooting pictures with perfect exposures is important.

In addition to the the technical side of photography, the best photographer in Boca also needs to pose and direct his subjects.

I recently photographed a wedding in which I had to earn the clients trust before they hired me. The bride called and told me she was interested in having me photograph their wedding. Then I spoke to the groom. He flat out told me, he doesn't smile and is heavier than he would like. His words to me were, I don't want to pay thousands of dollars for photography and look like a big dork. That's direct.

I told him, I will make him look good by taking control of the photo session, helping him pose in such a way that feels natural, and doing flattering poses. When we did the photo session, I did just that. By the end of the photo shoot he felt good, and the pictures were flattering. By understanding posing, lighting, and how to give direction, a photographer can make any subject feel comfortable and look great. This is just one more example of what is required to be the best photographer in Boca.

More about infrared photography.

When I lived in Los Angeles, I was extremely active in everything photographic. I was also an experienced photo lab printer and tech. Not that I'm not now. However, let's face it. South Florida is not LA. In LA there is a professional photo lab on every corner, and a wide range of graphic studios and wedding album manufacturing companies. Photographers all over Los Angeles are looking for new competitive ways to gain an edge over the competition. One of these more unique ways of producing unique imagery was through the use of infrared. Shoot film infrared was a very unique and difficult photographic practice. First, the camera had to be loaded and unloaded in complete darkness. once exposed the film required a top notch film processor.

Location: 7955 Emerald Winds Circle, Boynton Beach FL 33473.

(954) 560-1533 - South Florida Wedding & Event Photographer